In June 2019 Prasarana was accorded Integrated Management System (IMS) certification for five ISOs which it secured in a six-month drive, a Malaysian record. The IMS certification awarded by QAS SIRIM International include ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System, ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management System, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information Security Management System, and ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System. All these achievements were despite the challenge of integrating the various staff it had inherited from six different operators, and a change of Federal government.
The company continues to benchmark itself up to leading international transit systems, being members of CoMET and Nova, the world’s metro/urban rail benchmarking groups which are made up of 38 large and medium sized metro systems from 36 cities around the world. Prasarana is also a member of the International Bus Benchmarking Group (IBBG) for stage bus services. Staff at Prasarana also uphold in its daily routine the 5S practices – Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. The 5S philosophy focuses on effective workplace organization, helps simplify the workplace environment and reduce waste, while improving quality and safety. Staff are also continually reminded that the service Prasarana provides helps others to create better livelihoods via the provision of an efficient public transport system that allows them to enjoy mobility and connectivity.